Saturday, November 22, 2008

Topics of the Month

In the spirit of learning about all sorts of things, I am going to choose a topic (or topics!) each week to research and learn more about.  The topic can be related to any subject, and can be totally random, or a topic recommended by someone.  

As today is the 45th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, one of my topics will be to learn more about President John F. Kennedy.  This week's topics are:  JFK  and Thanksgiving (as celebrated in the U.S.)  

I plan to research and post interesting facts about each of these topics in the coming week, November 23rd to November 30th.

Update:  So...I ran out of time to research facts about JFK and Thanksgiving....perhaps a "topic of the week" is too ambitious, given the lack of free time...Therefore, this post shall be renamed "Topic of the Month".  
And December's topic:  Gift-Giving (see next post!)

1 comment:

Erik said...

Sounds like you are on your way to walking down the boulevard with the blog monkey on your back. Welcome to the blogosphere dear Kitten. Your insights are always appreciated and I'm excited to see what pours out of you. :D