Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year's Resolutions - 2009

Every year, as New Year's Eve approaches, I wonder if I should make any "New Year's Resolutions" for the coming year.  And, will I stick to those resolutions?  Hmmm!

Well, THIS YEAR, I'm certainly going to try! 

Of course, as I start thinking of things I could "resolve" to do, the list seems awfully long (in no particular order):

Get fit
Lose weight
More yoga
Save more money
Reduce stress
Improve my Spanish
Learn another language
Do something artistic
Travel more
Recycle more
Volunteer/help others more
Run a marathon
Go back to school
Find a better job
Be more organized
Relax more

The list could go on and on!  So I think I'll pick two.  

For 2009 I will try to:
1.  Get fit
2. Do something artistic

If you would like to share your resolutions, or comment, please do!

Ringing in the New Year: Hope and Change for 2009

We will say goodbye to 2008 and be ringing in 2009 in just a few days.  2008 has been a busy year, filled with many historical events; some good and some bad.  The three things I will remember most when I think of 2008 will be:

Family:  Just being a family with my husband and daughter (in the precious little time we have outside of our jobs) takes priority over everything else.  Watching my daughter grow from infant to toddler this year has been one of the most fulfilling times in my life.  It is simply fascinating to watch her learn and become a little person.

The Election:  This was the year of a polarizing presidential election for the United States, and I feel that the election of Barack Obama was a sign that people are ready for something different.  This election stirred all kinds of emotion in the people, and regardless of what candidate you support, it was amazing to see so many people interested in the election.  The candidates, the primaries, and the issues were covered 24/7 by the media (TV, radio, print, web, etc), and never before has an election had media coverage quite like this.

The Economy:  The financial crisis that looms over our country is another thing that I will think of when I remember 2008.  Insane fuel prices, huge layoffs, scandal.  It's difficult to turn on the TV or read the news online.  Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.  

There are so many more things to say about 2008 that I am not mentioning, and they are all important as well (the environment, political unrest in Myanmar and Nepal, the Olympics in Beijing, hurricanes, etc).  It's not that I don't feel these are worth discussing, it's just that my family, the election and the economy are the issues that will color my memories of 2008.

Hope and Change for 2009:

Family:  My hopes for my family for 2009 are that we continue to be happy and healthy.  

The New President:  I believe that Barack Obama brings hope and the desire to make positive changes to his first term as President.  

The Economy:  Who knows what is going to happen with the economy?  This affects every one of us.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gifts and Gift-Giving (December's Topic of the Month)

Since it's the "season for giving", I feel that a discussion about gift-giving is in order.  I love giving people gifts...
  • I love the thought process involved in searching for the perfect gift for someone
  • I love shopping for said gift, wandering about shops and stores 
  • I love packaging (gift-wrap, gift bags, ribbon, and especially the smell of Scotch tape)
  • I love presenting someone with a gift, and seeing their smile!

All that said, I feel that holiday gift-giving has become insane...Now, don't get me wrong, I love all the latest gadgets and pretty things like any girlie does.  But over the last few years, it seems as though some sort of "MUST BUY BIGGER, BETTER GIFTS" has consumed holiday gift-givers.  I mean, have we lost the ability to appreciate the simple things?  Is it no longer socially acceptable to give someone a home-made (or handmade) gift that you put a lot of thought and love into?  I know, I know, who wouldn't want Santa to bring them diamonds or a new car?  But really, it's sad that we have become a society where the amount of money spent on a gift represents your love/affection/whatever toward the recipient.

And speaking of Santa:  When I was a child, Santa did not fill a room with everything a little girl could want.  I know one kid, who last year, got so many toys from Santa that he couldn't even walk in the room, and he barely gave most of the toys a second glance.  Maybe he was just a really good boy?  

So this year, I plan to give holiday gifts that are thoughtful, and hopefully handmade or homemade..